Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Brand New eJournal

Glad you could come to the Bernie Gillespie eJournal. This blog is an extention of In Christ Alone! Ministries web site and ICA! eMail Weblog. The ICA! web site exists to share a large number of somewhat lengthy, written pieces related the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ICA! eMail Weblog is a separate outlet for serving those who have asked questions through emails. It provides a practical means for responding to the same questions many people ask, all at the same time.

This eJournal serves a slightly different, but essentially related purpose. This will be a place to share various and sometimes random thoughts, insights (or the lack of them), ideas, and questions about a diversity of topics. Here I will write short 'blogs' on salvation, grace, God, theology, Christian holiness, culture, legalism, Church issues, education, cross-cultural missions, everyday Christian living, Church history, freedom in Christ, et. al.

Throughout each week so many things come my way. I wish I could comment or write on them for the web site. The style of the web site doesn't allow me to simply post day-to-day reflections and opinions about the things I care so much about. The web site is a little more formal, with lenghty, structured articles and essays. Here I can follow a more thinking-out-loud and conversational format. If we can manage it in the future I would like to allow comments to my posts.

So keep coming back from time to time and get my take on some current Gospel issues. Relax and enjoy while you engage your mind and strenghten your faith.

If there is any way we can make this eJournal more helpful or interesting to you, please let me know at

I look forward to sharing,

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